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Old 01-22-2020, 06:06 PM   #1966
rabblerouser rabblerouser is offline
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Originally Posted by Megatron96 View Post
Hey, don't take my word for it; we've seen Ford get punked by WRs, TEs, a water boy . . .

He's a straight liability against the run, he can't set an edge if you gave him a protractor, he gets blocked by WRs and scat backs, has no coverage skills, and has only one move. And that's without talking about his uncanny ability to line up or just jump off-sides on a regular basis.

And when we first got him, I liked him. But his ceiling turned out to be very low. He's okay on 3rd-and-long. But tends to disappear against quality OTs. So as long as you're willing to understand that he's very limited as a DE/OLB, you're good.
Don't even mention him lining up offsides...
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