Originally Posted by Hern
No one. Absolutely no one is taking Malone lightly. Nobody is.
PS. You look good in that outfit.
Imagine being so scared of your new frontrunner team losing a game that figuratively has nothing to do with you, in any way whatsoever, that you go to the opposing teams board, register and post nearly 100 times in one day. When you lose and I promise you will: you'll tuck your dick ala Buffalo Bill to go fetal up back in your safe space and will conveniently show back up here in a year or two the next time the Chiefs play the Gay Bay Bandwagoners to parrot shock jocks and try to convince us how much better your team is because Skip, Jim, etc said so. You're so basic and typical. You bring nothing new to the table. Frankly, this shit is old. Keep puffing your chest though...You're attracting all the muscle bears on your block so you might actually get laid.