Originally Posted by Megatron96
So you're saying that your secondary is now better. Great. Better than the Patriots secondary from last year? How about better than their secondary this year?
Well, they better be. Because in 9 quarters of play Pat Mahomes put 94 points on the Patriots secondary.
So the Niners secondary should be much better than the Patriots secondary if they want to win.
Not sure if they are / will be better. What is better is the pass rush, by a long measure. But, if KC can give Mahomes time, he will pick apart the secondary. As a group, they are the weakest link on the defense. They just replaced Witherspoon, for example, when he gave up a long TD against Minn. Sherman, Willams and Ward are very solid in pass coverage. Mosely and Tartt are decent -> good. Will that be enough? I don't know.