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Old 01-21-2020, 04:40 PM   #1314
DJ's left nut DJ's left nut is online now
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Originally Posted by staylor26 View Post
We play Bosa and Ingram twice a year.

We had to deal with Ngakoue/Campbell/Allen week 1

Yea yours is better/deeper, but we’ve dealt with an elite pass rush three times this season, and your secondary isn’t nearly as good as the Jags/Chargers.

Those elite pass rush teams with better DB’s kept us under 30 once, and that was when Mahomes was still getting healthy on an absolute shit field that neutralized our speed.
And Mahomes hadn't ascended to God Mode yet.

Folks are wanting to act like this is just a product of the last 2 defenses but they're kinda ignoring the incremental improvements we saw after the Patriots game.

Remember the mid-week rumors that he was upset with his performance against NE and got back to the drawing board w/r/t his footwork, etc...?

Then he came out against Denver and everything was just...fixed. Suddenly he was standing tall in the pocket, seeing all the angles, feeling the pressure and adjusting correctly, reading defenses damn near perfectly.

He leveled up in a big way. It isn't just the numbers, it's the confidence he's playing with and the complete command he has of this offense. He's ****ing Neo from the Matrix right now. He's seeing the field in code and in slow-motion.

Again - all that can save them is the delay and the hopes that it knocks PM out of his zone. Like I said before the Titans game, none of the analysis truly matters. If Patrick Mahomes plays like he's played the last 2 weeks, the 49ers will lose.
"If there's a god, he's laughing at us.....and our football team..."

"When you look at something through rose colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags."
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