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Old 01-21-2020, 04:20 PM   #1277
DJ's left nut DJ's left nut is online now
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Originally Posted by SanDiego49er View Post
We were a beat up team in our losses. We had huge losses in the 2nd half of the year in the front 7, offensive line and of all things the starting kicker. That's how we lost 3. We are more healthy now. Our backup kicker missed a game winner against Seattle. He kicked it down the tunnel instead of through the uprights. That was one of our losses.

We are more healthy now in the playoffs. A lot of our guys have come back from injuries. We are more full strength on offensive line, defensive front 7 and special teams too.
Oh. Yeah, this is my fault. I probably should've been more clear in my response.

I don't care why you guys lost the games you lost. It means precisely dick.

I think I've made this point clear by now - you haven't played anything resembling this team.
"If there's a god, he's laughing at us.....and our football team..."

"When you look at something through rose colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags."
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DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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