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Old 01-21-2020, 03:53 PM   #1242
DJ's left nut DJ's left nut is offline
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Originally Posted by Deebo19 View Post
We've seen Lamar, and we've seen Wilson. So while we haven't seen Mahomes other than in the preseason, we've seen more of your style than you've seen of ours.

The Chiefs haven't seen our running attack. Which I may add has only started rounding into shape because key players were missing all season. They're only now back in the lineup and getting their legs under them. No Tennessee and their basic hand it off to Henry and let him go doesnt count.

You haven't seen our scheme, motion, deception.

You also haven't seen our physicality. The West is no joke.

Both teams will be able to move the ball and score - It's going to depend on turnovers and who can score TD's instead of FG's. It'll be a battle of the 49er systematic machine vs the offensive speed and improvisational Chiefs.
Oh hey, it's another week of "You haven't seen our physicality!"

Go tell it to the Titans. Or the Ravens.

We smacked 'em both in the mouth.

And please don't ever mention the best quarterback in football in the same breath as the best throwing runningback in football ever again, m'kay? Lamar Jackson prepares you for facing this offense about as much as I would.
"If there's a god, he's laughing at us.....and our football team..."

"When you look at something through rose colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags."
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