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Old 01-20-2020, 11:00 PM   #760
rabblerouser rabblerouser is offline
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Originally Posted by Hern View Post
What would you like me to come back and admit???

I’m literally saying you guys are the better team.
Then how come you don't know that Mahomes is better than that imposter Watson?

How come you don't understand that "#26 run defense" means **** all at this point?
MY ADOPT-A-CHIEF : Jody Fortson Jr.
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rabblerouser is obviously part of the inner Circle.rabblerouser is obviously part of the inner Circle.rabblerouser is obviously part of the inner Circle.rabblerouser is obviously part of the inner Circle.rabblerouser is obviously part of the inner Circle.rabblerouser is obviously part of the inner Circle.rabblerouser is obviously part of the inner Circle.rabblerouser is obviously part of the inner Circle.rabblerouser is obviously part of the inner Circle.rabblerouser is obviously part of the inner Circle.rabblerouser is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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