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Old 01-20-2020, 10:56 PM   #754
Hern Hern is offline

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Originally Posted by Megatron96 View Post
Normally, after reading the obvious ignorance of your first four posts, I would put you on 'ignore.'

But I'm bored.

So . . .

I'll point out that I didn't say what you are inferring. At all.

What I said was that posting that the Chiefs have the "26th worst rush defense in the league," isn't accurate, because it includes the first 8 weeks of the season, and doesn't adequately describe their improvement since week 7 or 8.

Conversely, our running defense isn't top 3 either, which it would appear to be if one just looked at their stats from the month of December, for example.

The truth of it is, that while we had a pretty tough schedule for the first 10 weeks or so, it got a lot easier down the stretch, with the real exception of the Chargers, who were ranked 10th offensively overall. And in spite of their terrible turn-over ratio, were somewhat of a tough out.

So in reality, our run defense isn't really 26th anymore. It couldn't be, or we couldn't have held Derrick Henry to just 69 yards on Sunday. And anyone who watched them play in the first 6 weeks vs. the last four games can easily see without even looking at the stat lines that the Chiefs defense is significantly better at stopping the run than they were in September. Our DL is lining up better more consistently, our LBs are aligning themselves better, they're attacking the gaps better, our DEs are setting the edges better, and so on.

Again, they aren't perfect; they're just better than what they were.

And someone else can find and post it if they care to (I'm whacked on Nyquil right now, so I'm not going to) but if you look up the advanced weighted stat analyses available, you'd find our run defense is somewhere around 10th over the last 8 weeks or so. Not 26th.

But if you want to believe that the Chiefs' run D is 26th, go right ahead. Then when we hold your RBs to something like 100-125 yards, you can blame your OC more easily I guess.

But I want you to remember this: your RBs will run pretty well in the first half. But sometime towards the end of the half or early in the third quarter, our defense will start plugging holes. And your RBs won't be nearly as effective for the rest of the game. And if Pat finds his groove in the third, we're going to get up on your defense by 14 points. And you'll abandon the run. And then we'll see if Jimmy G. can go toe-to-toe with Pat Mahomes. Throw for throw, TD for TD.
I’ll post one more thing just to earn that ignore button.

I don’t Want to believe the Chiefs are ranked 26th. They are ranked 26th. But like I said, if you wanna only look at the back end of the schedule because that’s when your defense improved, cool beans. Whatever fits your narrative.

And if you want an answer to the bold, just look at the 49ers vs Saints. Jimmy G held his own going up against Brees.
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