I'm genuinely interested in what the crowd split will be. 9ers are a bigger market, but Mahomes is...Mahomes. It's gonna be interesting to see how many are pulling for which team.
As far as the 9ers go, it's nice to see that the best in the NFC will face the best in the AFC, undisputed. Sure, you'll have your Tit whiners saying stupid shit, and probably maybe some Seahawk fans saying the same, but if you were to ask who the best in each conference was, it's us and the 9ers.
You want to be the best, beat the best. They have a great running game and a stout as hell defense. We have a solid to great defense and an other-worldly offense, led by the best player in the league. I like our chances on a neutral site. One thing's for sure...it's gonna be a great game.

We have a million reasons for failure, but not one excuse...
 Die Donks, DIE!! 
Holy Crap fellas!!! We did it!!! THREE TIMES!!!