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Old 01-17-2020, 04:00 PM   #310
Raiderhater Raiderhater is offline
Tried it on and it fit
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Originally Posted by DaFace View Post
Cross-posting this here for more visibility:
It seems like when I purchased my ticket through them for the home opener that it took an hour or two before I received it in the email and was able to download it. I just tried searching and don’t seem to have those emails any more. And I could be misremembering and thinking of something else - I’ve slept and drank since then.
"Serious sport has nothing to do with fair play. It is bound up with hatred, jealousy, boastfulness, and disregard of all the rules."

-- George Orwell, Shooting an Elephant
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Raiderhater is obviously part of the inner Circle.Raiderhater is obviously part of the inner Circle.Raiderhater is obviously part of the inner Circle.Raiderhater is obviously part of the inner Circle.Raiderhater is obviously part of the inner Circle.Raiderhater is obviously part of the inner Circle.Raiderhater is obviously part of the inner Circle.Raiderhater is obviously part of the inner Circle.Raiderhater is obviously part of the inner Circle.Raiderhater is obviously part of the inner Circle.Raiderhater is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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