Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 12-30-2019, 02:52 PM   #36701
chiefforlife chiefforlife is offline
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Broncos FOR SALE????

Broncos' President and CEO Joe Ellis when asked if the sale of the team is an option said, "A sale remains a possibility given the circumstances we’re in."

There are numerous steps for a sale to occur, with the primary one being that the rest of the Ellis family has to approve the controlling owner. Still, Broncos beat writer Vic Lombardi noted, "This is the first time I’ve heard anybody from the organization publicly acknowledge the possible sale of this team."
Source: Vic Lombardi on Twitter
Dec 30, 2019, 3:26 PM ET
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chiefforlife is blessed with 50/50 Hindsight.chiefforlife is blessed with 50/50 Hindsight.chiefforlife is blessed with 50/50 Hindsight.chiefforlife is blessed with 50/50 Hindsight.chiefforlife is blessed with 50/50 Hindsight.chiefforlife is blessed with 50/50 Hindsight.chiefforlife is blessed with 50/50 Hindsight.chiefforlife is blessed with 50/50 Hindsight.chiefforlife is blessed with 50/50 Hindsight.chiefforlife is blessed with 50/50 Hindsight.chiefforlife is blessed with 50/50 Hindsight.
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