Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 07-19-2019, 09:41 AM   #34680
TEX TEX is offline
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Originally Posted by Mile High Mania View Post
Yet, in 2015... the last year of true relevance, they started with 2 of the first 6 at home and only 5 of 12. But, I know... the refs and stuff. There's never a loss for reasons why.

Thanfully, 2019 looks different although I've already witnessed scheduling whining.
So your argument is ONE year in 10???

The past two Bronco teams have been SHIT. Without their heavily loaded early season home schedule, they would have finished even worse and would have been completely out of contention by mid October... So, let's just see how they start this season. I'm betting it's not going to be anywhere near the past two - even though they're supposed to be a better team. You and I have been waiting for this - so let's sit back and enjoy the show.
Hey Andy Reid / Matt Nagy...Patrick Mahomes is NOT Alex Smith
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