Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 07-17-2019, 04:57 AM   #34639
TEX TEX is offline
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Originally Posted by Mile High Mania View Post
Actually, October 2017 was the last time I started a thread with anything related to AFCW standings in season. I've actually only started maybe 10 threads since 2016, I just reply to what's out there or post in this one.

I started 4 threads in 2018... just 4. Two related to the NFL, with one being 12 hours before week 1 kickoff that had zero prognostications and another with the MVP question about Brees or Mahomes in November.

Again... I quit creating AFCW smack threads on a regular basis in 2013/2014, but the long-term effects of my earlier postings have apparently been dramatic. MHM PTSD is a real thing apparently.
Im talking about last year before the Texans / Donx game. You did an AFC West preview game thread at my request. I believe your take was the Donx should win, but you would not be surprised either way. In other words, the classic "you" take. They lost in fine fashion . You never did another game preview thread again. Or did I miss something?

Yep, I miss those threads. Sure would be fun if you did them again each week this season....Maybe not for you though - Kinda like they weren't for us back in the day...
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