Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 07-16-2019, 07:22 PM   #34635
TEX TEX is offline
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Originally Posted by Mile High Mania View Post
Ha... you keep saying that and we've covered this one. I quit doing it regularly well before Manning left due to the outrageous butthurtedness. 2013 was the last season it was a regular thing, did it maybe 4 times in 2014. Since then, maybe twice because you or TEX threw it out there... probably TEX.
It was ME! And I REALLY enjoyed them. However, last year just when you were getting started again, you stopped abruptly after the Donx blew a home game in glorious fashion to the Texans. Wonder why?

Now, remember this year we'll all be watching the kind of start your boys will have - since their schedule is not heavily front loaded with home games for the first time in YEARS. Bet NOBODY will be confusing them for a playoff team early on this season.
Hey Andy Reid / Matt Nagy...Patrick Mahomes is NOT Alex Smith

Last edited by TEX; 07-16-2019 at 07:45 PM..
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