Thread: Other Sports Rasslin is YES! YES! YES!
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Old 06-24-2019, 05:28 PM   #3441
WhiteWhale WhiteWhale is offline
Bring it on Ahab!
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It's almost like wrestling went from convincingly larger than life figures who were legit tough guys beating the shit out of each other to being a bunch of normally sized dudes doing obviously choreographed stunt work.

Does anyone honestly think a guy like the Miz would be anything but a jobber 20 years ago?

Sigh, then again I always thought WWE's wrestling was trash.
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WhiteWhale is obviously part of the inner Circle.WhiteWhale is obviously part of the inner Circle.WhiteWhale is obviously part of the inner Circle.WhiteWhale is obviously part of the inner Circle.WhiteWhale is obviously part of the inner Circle.WhiteWhale is obviously part of the inner Circle.WhiteWhale is obviously part of the inner Circle.WhiteWhale is obviously part of the inner Circle.WhiteWhale is obviously part of the inner Circle.WhiteWhale is obviously part of the inner Circle.WhiteWhale is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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