Thread: Money Bitcoin Take?
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Old 05-17-2019, 11:55 AM   #1718
BWillie BWillie is offline
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Originally Posted by MahiMike View Post
I bought into the hype and determined it was the next big I figured it would come back down but the speed in which it went up and down can be attributed to the internet and 24x7 trading.

I waited until this time to get out. The thing that got me was the transactions are so damn expensive. I bought Litecoin for this reason - much cheaper to use.

But in the end, I got out and came close to breaking even. Gonna take my winnings and buy some Gold now.
Up until recently, I was paying about .20 cents to send upwards of 3 thousand dollars. Bitcoin fees did spike up quit a bit towards the end of this bull run, but not egregious.
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