Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 02-20-2019, 09:10 AM   #34036
TEX TEX is offline
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Originally Posted by Mile High Mania View Post
It's optics and while the last few years have been a mess and however you would like to frame their success from 2011-2015, it was on his watch. They're three years removed from winning a SB and having competed in 2 SBs.

Right or wrong, it will take a few more years of hell before they build up the guts to fire him and take the heat for removing a legend. That's just how it is, Elway has been an icon in Denver for nearly 4 decades.

Remains to be seen how 2019 plays out if they are over .500 - that task of moving him out gets tougher. Call me blind, loyal to a fault, whatever... but, yes, while he's made some bad mistakes, I'm fine with him at the helm right now.
Blind, loyal to a fault, whatever...

FWIW, I hope they NEVER get rid of Elway. Let's just say my reasoning is different from yours.
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