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Old 10-12-2018, 06:12 PM   #17673
Sweet Daddy Hate Sweet Daddy Hate is offline
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Originally Posted by DJ's left nut View Post
Keitzman managed to go almost 2 whole weeks without being a smarmy, ill-informed mother****er. You had to know it wouldn't last long.

That's the problem with this team being so interesting - I run out of podcast material just listening to Chiefs segments with Soren and the Border Patrol the following morning/day.

Invariably by Thursday I've heard all Chiefs related content and have to turn to a segment or two from that worthless pole-smoker, Keitzman. I can generally manage to find an interview with Keyser or at worst some stuff with Mitch or Mahomes.

I'll just pull of youtube videos of idiots recording from Chiefs takes from their basement before I'll listen to that shitstain's monologues, though.
Doesn't anyone ever CALL that asshole and set him straight??? He's been shitty at football, sports, and life for years.

Why ANYONE in the local media wouldn't be jazzed right now is completely ****ing absurd. And to mention SMITH in some kind of "nostalgia"??? Jesus H. Christ; get a new ****ing career.

For whatever reason, National media hates KC and always seeks to make sure that they never do anything great, like it would signal the death of their children and pets or something. I can't figure it out.
As a sportscaster or team, wouldn't you get ****ing TIRED of talking about Brady and Beli every ****ing season???
Nobody used to bitch when the Oilers would win one now and again...

Ah ****'em.
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