While there’s been no official word yet on an expected release date, Amazon are required by the aforementioned $250m deal to begin production on the show within two years – so that means that the show will be on the way by November 2019 at least. A recent update from Amazon exec. Jennifer Salke gave some more detail. “All of us would love a big, addictive show that is executed at the top of its game.” Salke suggested. “We’re really excited about Lord of the Rings. Despite all the chatter about it, the deal just closed a month ago. We’ve been talking to writers. We have an estate that’s very active. I’ve spent three hours with Simon Tolkien. There’s a lot of moving parts with it. We’ll have some game plan to move forward with very soon.”
Salke added: “It’ll be in production in two years; [but] 2021 is the hope.” Salke explained. “But there are other people who wish it was 2020.”
Mahomes is not a game manager. Release the Kraken.