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Old 09-11-2018, 10:14 AM   #14388
Halfcan Halfcan is offline
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Originally Posted by DJ's left nut View Post
Spin rate.

If that ball apexes without that kind of spin, it's gonna stay nose up and kinda flutter down. But with the kind of velocity he put on it, at its apex it STILL had the an insane spin rate so when it started to go down, the nose was able to 'grab' and pull the ball down/forward.

Think of it as a rifle round. You have a low velocity round you'll get a lot of tumble earlier in its arc and the ballistics will fall to hell on it. Suddenly your accuracy over distance is essentially a guessing game. High velocity rounds, OTOH, track a hell of a lot truer because they're still spinning at the top of their arc and they continue to drive throughout their flight path.

We just went from a 12 gauge slug to a goddamn .223 magnum round.
Excellent analysis! This makes a lot of sense when you see Clay's gif of the spin on that ball. Mahomes pitching background is blending over into his football mechanics and we are literally seeing throws that have possibly not been done before. In the history of the NFL- yep, maybe some QB have had passes that react like that- Favre maybe, Marino, Brees- I don't ever remember seeing them, but chances are they did. That is some HOF company to be able to put that much velocity and arch on the ball to avoid it fluttering for an interception like we have seen so many times.

Mahomes is not even 23 years old- what is he going to be like after a few years of experience? Look how much Brady and Rogers have improved year after year as they have had every kind of defense thrown at them. Wow!
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