Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 09-05-2018, 07:11 AM   #29981
penchief penchief is offline

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Originally Posted by Mile High Mania View Post

Why Denver? Seriously... are some of you under some delusion that there's really enough money to be slid under tables over the last few decades to actually push the league to give that ONE team in the rocky mountains a clearer path to success?


I'll be honest - I can't reasonably explain the scheduling oddity. But, I also can't reasonably explain why the league through good and bad seasons would purposefully prop up any one single team.

Why - why would the league do that, for Denver?

PGM says most of those teams were garbage and Denver would have terrible records if it weren't for these early scheduling oddities. Seriously?

I mean, sometimes you guys go so far off the rails of reality it's amazing.

There has to be a genunine reason behind a conspiracy, yeah? What is the benefit to the league for giving this lone team such a wild advantage?

I'll add that in 2015, they played 2 of their first 3 on the road and 4 of their first 6 on the road. But, then you'll counter with the Papa John's gifted SB... dangit. It always plays out well for the tinfoil crowd.

He's reasonable.
Well, the league really didn't do much when you won your first two championships by cheating the salary cap. It's too bad the NFL has a system where teams are rewarded for cheating. It would be nice to see teams that knowingly cheat in such a fundamental way have their championships ceremoniously stripped from them.

That said, I don't believe there is an overt conspiracy to ensure the Broncos have success no matter what. But there is no question they benefit from being league darlings. I'm sure the league is fully aware of how stark this particular advantage is for the Broncos. The NFL is not averse to giving their league darlings a step up whenever they can subtly do so.

Last edited by penchief; 09-05-2018 at 07:32 AM..
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