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Old 08-07-2018, 01:40 PM   #13012
Dave Lane Dave Lane is offline
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If Taco John says Mahomes is going to bust, get out the yellow jacket. He has never been right on a single prediction in his life. Seriously not one ever.

Originally Posted by TomBarndtsTwin View Post
Lol, it's not that you post some of the stuff you do, it's just the continued beating of the dead horse (and Kranz too, lately) . . . . .

Yes, we ALL get it. Mahomes is going to throw more INT's than Alex. We know this. We accept it. The Chiefs may even take a step backwards this year and MOST of us are just fine with it. As long as our 'rookie' QB is making progress and learning to play as a full time starter in the NFL.

I actually found the link you posted somewhat interesting, but lately it seems like you and Kranz and TJ are only really interested in ripping on Mahomes, rather than talking about the rest of our team or your own team.

So either you're just bored and trolling OR you are starting to finally realize that your own team is not very good and you have pivoted to defense mechanism mode by attacking our shiny new toy.

Again, you are a Donko fan posting on a Chiefs fan BB, so don't be surprised you're getting bite back when all you're doing is posting shit about how awful our new QB is going to be . . . . .
Thanks, Trump for the civics lesson. We are learning so much about RICO, espionage, sedition, impeachment, the 25th Amendment, order of succession, nepotism, separation of powers, 1st Amendment, obstruction of justice, the emoluments clause, conflicts of interest, collusion, sanctions, oligarchs, money laundering and so much more.
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