Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 07-09-2018, 10:05 AM   #27668
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Originally Posted by Mile High Mania View Post

You can see that in 2022... all but 2 games are known, home and away. Now, in 2021... there will be those complaining about that home and away schedule and screaming foul, but it was known 4 years earlier.

Chiefs 2022 Schedule
vs. Denver Broncos
at Denver Broncos
vs. Oakland Raiders
at Oakland Raiders
vs. Los Angeles Chargers
at Los Angeles Chargers
vs. Indianapolis Colts
vs. Houston Texans
at Jacksonville Jaguars
at Tennessee Titans
at Arizona Cardinals
vs. Los Angeles Rams
vs. Seattle Seahawks
at San Francisco 49ers

AFC North
AFC East

So, the 2018 home and way schedule was known years ago... aside from 2 teams and the actual 'date of the games'. Opponents are known years prior now.
It's not who you play but when and where...Curious, do you have the stats for the past few decades (you can go back farther if you like) on how many times the Last Place Denver Broncos were given a home stacked early schedule to help with getting off to a good start, as opposed to the rest of the division? A good place to start would be to go back and look how many times the rest of the division had to start their 1st two games on the road as opposed to Denver...But guys like you will argue that there is no bias in Denver's favor.
Hey Andy Reid / Matt Nagy...Patrick Mahomes is NOT Alex Smith
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