Originally Posted by Tombstone RJ
Yah, VJ is the only real concern right now. Hopefully, he has learned a lot from last season.
Holy ****ing shit... did you just say VJ is the only real concern?? Jesus those orange blinders have you beyond lost. VJ is one of MANY concerns,

. How’s your O line?? How’s your RB stable?? How’s your qb who’s been on more teams than your GM has had bourbon on the rocks by 9 am?? How about your secondary, or your TE’s?? Damn son, your GM hasn’t drafted a good player in years. But you just go ahead and keep thinking VJ is your only concern!!
Edit.. almost forgot to remind you it’s been well over 1000 days since you’ve beaten the Chiefs, lmao. I guess VaJona was at fault for all of that too?? When’s the last time Von had a sack against us? DELUSIONAL