Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 05-29-2018, 09:25 AM   #26875
Rain Man Rain Man is offline
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Check out the negative body language of that reporter. Arms crossed, leaning away, not smiling. Why do we think she's got that attitude? Is it...

A. She doesn't like salary cap cheaters.
B. She disapproves of Elway leaving his sick wife to marry a cheerleader.
C. She's a Broncos fan and she sees what Elway is doing to her team.
D. She believes that a team needs a quarterback to thrive and she knows that Elway doesn't get it.
E. She thinks that it's gross to cover yourself in cooking spray when you're just the GM.
F. The smell of bourbon is too strong.
G. All of the above.
Active fan of the greatest team in NFL history.
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Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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