Thread: QB Impressions
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Old 04-03-2018, 08:48 AM   #974
Chiefnj2 Chiefnj2 is offline
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Originally Posted by RunKC View Post
Rosen had 2 concussions last season and people wonder if he could just end up giving up the NFL in a few years simply bc he doesn’t need it. I think he’s a spoiled rotten millennial douche like Baker Mayfield. The kid had a ****ing hot tub in his dorm room as a Freshman.

Speaking of being a douche, Baker Mayfield already has a documentary of his draft experience that he’s promoting.

I’m so glad Pat isn’t like that. He seems way more focused and down to business.
I think Rosen's "attitude" is being blown way out of proportion. Honestly, it's pretty funny that he bought an Intex $300 inflatable hot tub and put it in his dorm room. I guarantee you every other kid in his dorm said "why didn't I think of that."

Rosen's biggest red flag is his injury history.
Mismanaging the clock.
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