Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 03-23-2018, 02:43 PM   #23729
Red Dawg Red Dawg is offline
Going home eventually
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Despite the last few seasons of Denver suckage and Elway lucking out in FA using Manning as a poster child, I find it crazy how much shit KC fans will talk. We are losers for the last 50 years. We should not be talking shit to anyone about sucking. We have not sniffed any resemblance of a title at One Arrowhead Drive in so long its disgusting.
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Red Dawg is obviously part of the inner Circle.Red Dawg is obviously part of the inner Circle.Red Dawg is obviously part of the inner Circle.Red Dawg is obviously part of the inner Circle.Red Dawg is obviously part of the inner Circle.Red Dawg is obviously part of the inner Circle.Red Dawg is obviously part of the inner Circle.Red Dawg is obviously part of the inner Circle.Red Dawg is obviously part of the inner Circle.Red Dawg is obviously part of the inner Circle.Red Dawg is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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