Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 03-23-2018, 08:30 AM   #23702
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Originally Posted by Mile High Mania View Post
I think he lacked the testicular fortitude or conviction ... he wanted to have the out of landing on 8-8. I wasn't interested in walking away for 8-8, it's like trying to claim who won a tie.
That is NOT it at all. I know that you have presented it as such. So, lets have another wager and see who lacks what here "friend" .
The bet is all laid out here in this thread. - I said I'd bet you that that Broncos would finish LESS THAN 8-8. That CLEARLY indicates no more than 7 WINS. You chimed in with your usual BS and called it a no -risk lame 8-8 bet and PUSSED OUT. (Which you accused BlackOP of doing on a wager you had with him)

Again I called you out and said - ok - we will label the bet as no more than 7 Wins - and you STILL did not accept it.

So - would you care and revisit it? - Lets find the posts here in this thread and see if I was not ABSOLUTELY CLEAR that I stated that they would finish with LESS THAN with an 8-8 record and explained it as meaning that they would not win more than 7 games - in order cater to you trying to change the terms - and you STILL did not accept.

Lets bet again with the same terms - If I am wrong I leave FOREVER - IF you are wrong, then YOU LEAVE FOR EVER. This gives EVERYONE here the chance to see that you PUSSED OUT. Yes, all your disciples included...

Are you game?
Hey Andy Reid / Matt Nagy...Patrick Mahomes is NOT Alex Smith

Last edited by TEX; 03-23-2018 at 08:39 AM..
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