Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 03-03-2018, 09:09 AM   #22342
Pasta Little Brioni Pasta Little Brioni is offline
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Originally Posted by Quesadilla Joe View Post
I don't think Mahomes sucks ass. I just think you guys are doing the same thing with Mahomes that you're accusing me of doing with other players.
No, we are doing that because he will be a high elite QB. If you actually knew how to evaluate talent, like we did with Lynch you would realize that. We told you that Lammey is a butt ****ing moron as well, but you just keep spamming his homer carp.
Is there anything funnier than KC BAITING Elway into pissing a first away on Lynch?
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Pasta Little Brioni is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pasta Little Brioni is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pasta Little Brioni is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pasta Little Brioni is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pasta Little Brioni is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pasta Little Brioni is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pasta Little Brioni is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pasta Little Brioni is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pasta Little Brioni is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pasta Little Brioni is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pasta Little Brioni is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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