Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 02-11-2018, 06:14 PM   #21949
KranzDictum KranzDictum is offline
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I met one of you chef fans at an informal wake yesterday.

He saw it coming that I was a Bronco fan when I mentioned I lived in Denver as a kid, once I said "So please don't tell me you a chief fan" he laughed and walked away before I could rub in the latest choke or talk football. We talked later but I kept it away from the NFL. He was a nice guy and it was sad that I had to meet him under those circumstances. He kind of reminded me of what I thought Truman Capote's character in "To Kill a Mockingbird" would have looked like in his 60's and his sister reminded me of Scout (also in her 60's) as they both had a southern drawl.
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