Originally Posted by Just Passin' By
Neither VII nor VIII should ever have been allowed to go forward, but they chose politics over plot. Now, Disney is going to have to find a way to fix what's really been a 5 movie decline, because it looks like even the fanboy base is finally figuring out that this stuff has all been shit since the OT was finished.
Luke's all they have, now, and even finding a way to set that part right and fix the story is going to take some serious tinkering. If they can do that, ditch the Pippi Skywalker and Emo Vader bullshit, and get better male leads with more interesting characters, they might still be able to right the ship.
I just have no faith in them doing that. VII showed that they don't really have many new ideas beyond the insertion of more radical politics, and VIII seems to have shown (from what I've heard here and read elsewhere) that the few ideas they do have are really shitty.
The decision to blow up everything Star Wars has ever been is just a bizarre and unfortunate move on KK’s part. I don’t buy for a second that anything gets thru her filter without approval and the fact that she has forced half her movies to go thru substantial reshoots tells me she has poor track record of keeping her story-telling objectives straight.