Originally Posted by Bowser
Oh, hell yes.
Some kind of clandestine mission to form the rebellion and "get the gang together" of Mon Mothma, Adm Ackbar, Wedge, etc. I don't follow the EU stuff that closely or watch the animated series so I'm not sure how much of this has been covered, but it could be fun.
Especially with some kind of prologue where he has to stay in the shadows and help Luke not get himself killed as a child.
Of course, I would be very sad throughout knowing all the characters are going to meet with such underwhelming and inauspicious ends. Still can't believe Adm Ackbar just got sucked out a decompressing ship.
I seriously am starting to believe that KK didn't understand the importance of the original trilogy or the foundational mythos that made up a lot of what Star Wars is -- if she did there is absolutely no way she would have agreed to that TLJ script...