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Old 01-07-2018, 02:41 PM   #8885
RunKC RunKC is offline
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Originally Posted by Sweet Daddy Hate View Post
His absolute FLOOR is Smith's best game/season as a Chief.

Beyond that?

We are holding in our collective, firm hands, a bonafide potential SUPERSTAR in this league.

And no, I do not expect greatness right off the bat. I expect Mahomes to come out swinging, potentially having a 'Sanchez-esque' first season with a nice collection of learning errors that unlike said burn-out, Mahomes will actually LEARN from these errors and correct them, never losing confidence because he is not being coached by Rex "QB Killer" Ryan.

And Andy Reid will still manage to **** it all up. Mark my words, bookmark this will all be cursing Andy’s name and calling for his job in the coming years when we keep losing in the playoffs with Pat due to Andy going full reerun.
Mike Greenberg@Espngreeny
I can’t fathom what it must be like to be a fan of the #Chiefs.

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