Originally Posted by oaklandhater
if I'm only allowed to use movies what else is there ?
Here is a snippet from the novel "Ahsoka" (recognized as Canon).
"Ahsoka was about to shooo them out when a stack of crates that a couple of the kids were playing on wobbled and started to fall... The numbness she had worked so hard to maintain since Order 66 remained intact, but she hadn't watched mutely as the crates fell, the children screaming as they fell, too. She'd acted.
And then the screaming stopped. The crates settled gently on the ground, and the children settled just as gently on top of them. The other kids stared unable to figure out what had happened, but Ahsoka knew. She got ready to run. She looked around and saw little Hedala Fardi, too small to be included in the game, standing just clear of the crates with a fascinated look on her face. "You know you're not supposed to play out here," Ahsoka said, hoping to head off any awdward questions the kids might have had. "You were almost crushed by falling crates. That's no way for a Fardi to go out!"
They made Ahsoka swear not to give them up... They never mentioned it again, and Ahsoka was fairly certain they hadn't even noticed their brush with physical impossibility. She watched Hedala closely after that. She was certain the the child was the only one who'd fully seen and understood what Ahsoka had done. Three days later, she watched with some horror as Hedala, left alone by the older kids, casually moved a small stone from one side of a doorway to the other without laying so much as a finger on it."
She should have done something. She should have told the girl's family and helped get her off-world. But she had no idea how to hide a Force-sensitive child from the Empire. She could barely hide herself."
So this little girl simply watches as Ahsoka is able to catch and lower gently, objects without physically acting on them. And then she is able to, BY HERSELF, learn to move a stone with the force.
This shoots down two of your (Oaklandhater) theories that you must be trained to use the force, and force users must come from force lineage.
It seems in every example that we have, that it only takes a small nudge to allow someone to tap into an ability that is just there for some and not others. We saw it with Luke, being able to blindly deflect the blasts from the training bot on just his second attempt. We saw it with Anakin able to not only navigate safely, but win at pod racing at an impossible age, when no other adult humans seems to be able to do it. Rey, when Kylo tries to extract information from her and in doing so, introduces her to an ability that she didn't know she had - and then immediately she starts testing the boundaries of what she can do with it (getting the storm trooper to unlock her restraints). Again, when Leia uses it to save herself, and finally, when the little boy at the end of TLJ force grabs the broom... much in the same way little Hedali Fardi above did with the rock. No proud family lineage of force users. Just a gift that she, nor even her own family, knew she possessed.