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Old 12-19-2017, 01:49 PM   #2346
oaklandhater oaklandhater is offline
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Originally Posted by temper11 View Post
Please point me to the line, scene, excerpt, whatever in Star Wars Canon (not fan theory bull shit), that says force can only manifest itself in decendents of other force users.

I haven't read or seen all there is to read/see in the Star Wars canon. Maybe you are referring to something I don't know about. If so, please let me know because this is such a major plot melting point for you and it seems completely baseless to me.
Skywalker Bloodline ?

Anakin Luke Kylo and I guess now Leia.
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oaklandhater wants to die in a aids tree fire.oaklandhater wants to die in a aids tree fire.oaklandhater wants to die in a aids tree fire.oaklandhater wants to die in a aids tree fire.oaklandhater wants to die in a aids tree fire.oaklandhater wants to die in a aids tree fire.oaklandhater wants to die in a aids tree fire.oaklandhater wants to die in a aids tree fire.oaklandhater wants to die in a aids tree fire.oaklandhater wants to die in a aids tree fire.oaklandhater wants to die in a aids tree fire.
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