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Old 12-15-2017, 01:33 PM   #1659
oaklandhater oaklandhater is offline
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Originally Posted by ShiftyEyedWaterboy View Post
How are they going to handle Leia going forward? Have her offscreen the whole time or kill her off in the timeline before IX starts?
some of her scenes are suppose to be shot.

least that's what I read.
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oaklandhater wants to die in a aids tree fire.oaklandhater wants to die in a aids tree fire.oaklandhater wants to die in a aids tree fire.oaklandhater wants to die in a aids tree fire.oaklandhater wants to die in a aids tree fire.oaklandhater wants to die in a aids tree fire.oaklandhater wants to die in a aids tree fire.oaklandhater wants to die in a aids tree fire.oaklandhater wants to die in a aids tree fire.oaklandhater wants to die in a aids tree fire.oaklandhater wants to die in a aids tree fire.
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