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Old 12-15-2017, 10:00 AM   #1612
fairladyZ fairladyZ is offline

Join Date: Dec 2012
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As hyped as I was about this movie. After sleeping on it and reading your guys points as well....... I don't like it.

It was an OK movie. And I'm sure giving Rian his own trilogy where he can do what he wants I'm sure will work. But he ****ed up this story. Point blank. If he wanted to add all these different force powers and other shit he should have saved it for his trilogy. The story was slow and clunky, people appear and disappear with no explanation. Just hey throw this here and do that there then leave.

Posts: 442
fairladyZ would the whole thing.fairladyZ would the whole thing.fairladyZ would the whole thing.fairladyZ would the whole thing.fairladyZ would the whole thing.fairladyZ would the whole thing.fairladyZ would the whole thing.fairladyZ would the whole thing.fairladyZ would the whole thing.fairladyZ would the whole thing.fairladyZ would the whole thing.
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