: Movies and TV
Star Wars Episode VIII SPOILERS thread
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12-15-2017, 09:52 AM
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Originally Posted by
How answer why does Yoda appear to be in the flesh, then use
Force powers to destroy the tree and the Journal of the Whills, then I guess, disappear into the Force again?
Out of all the dumb sequences, that might have been the worst
Laura Dern's character (I forget her name) could said to Poe; "Look we're heading to an old Rebel base. We want to get close enough so we can cloak the transport ships. Just stay cool and we'll get through this.". But no, she went all cryptic and quiet about the plan.
And Rey's parents being nobodies?!?! That's either lazy writing or ballsy as all crap. And both sides of that argument are right.
Yoda's force ghost, nice fan treatment but is there some sort of rules for force ghosts? Can they appear at will or only when the plot demands exposition?
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