Originally Posted by KranzDictum
I had to come here because there were no kfc fans showing their faces over at the mane. Even in the 1st year that you could win the division back to back no one is over their talking chefs.
Good luck getting past Pitt and Pats in the playoffs.

You came here for no other reason than to agitate. And, once here, you proceeded to prove that you're the biggest fool on the board. (and that's saying a lot). A funny thing happened though, as predicted by most here, your team started SUCKING THAT ASS, and you were too blind out of entitlement, to see it coming. So, we are now, where we are.
I think it's weird to have such a huge presence on a rival fan's board, but for those here who ventured to the Mange, most were banned, because that place is filled with entitled "true fans", such as yourself, who can only dish it out but cant take it.
Thank you for the playoff well wishes... Good luck even spelling PLAYOFFS the next few years.

and take your place as a true fan of a team that is eating everyone's ass at the bottom of the division. Fool.