Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 11-10-2017, 12:02 AM   #18369
Willie Lanier Willie Lanier is offline

Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Canton
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Originally Posted by KranzDictum View Post
I had to come here because there were no kfc fans showing their faces over at the mane. Even in the 1st year that you could win the division back to back no one is over their talking chefs.

Good luck getting past Pitt and Pats in the playoffs.
Way to show class in the face of impending collapse..

Pat yourself on the back as frequently as you can for your recent sb win, but trust me, your downward spiral is just beginning...

Good luck with life...
Posts: 1,983
Willie Lanier would the whole thing.Willie Lanier would the whole thing.Willie Lanier would the whole thing.Willie Lanier would the whole thing.Willie Lanier would the whole thing.Willie Lanier would the whole thing.Willie Lanier would the whole thing.Willie Lanier would the whole thing.Willie Lanier would the whole thing.Willie Lanier would the whole thing.Willie Lanier would the whole thing.
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