Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 11-09-2017, 09:48 PM   #18368
BossChief BossChief is offline
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Originally Posted by KranzDictum View Post
I had to come here because there were no kfc fans showing their faces over at the mane. Even in the 1st year that you could win the division back to back no one is over their talking chefs.

Good luck getting past Pitt and Pats in the playoffs.
They ban Chiefs fans over there for rooting for the Chiefs. Anybody that doesn’t blow Elway all day gets banned. That site was a shell of its former self (which never was all that good anyway) and was nothing more than a complete circle jerk when they banned me for nothing more than rival fan banter.

98% of the posters there are trash and I said as much while I was there.

And the mods are straight up cowards. Go ahead and link up my last 20 posts from that site to show nothing was ban worthy at all.

The pussies on that site just couldn’t handle the truth I was spitting.

It all play d out exactly as I said.
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