I am less than 2 minutes in he distroying his kitchen shiv. Someone buy that man a cutting board. What vintage is that from 60's???
I do like the theme: Ghetto cookware ghetto utensils, and does anything have a handle or are they all missing? Nothing says "ghetto" like the bars on the 2nd floor windows.
He does have a good Southern style chicken; Good seasoning mix but his spice mixes both have salt and towards the end he says (and he's right) that you should only use one mix with salt in it. He is dead on with the mustard. hot sauce, and seasoning the bird and not so much the flour. Disposable, no clean up breading bag and pan deep enough for the chicken to float are dead on. Where is the lid just in case of fire???
Nothin' says down home southern fried chicken like old stove top bacon grease (maybe some lard) in your recycled chicken oil, Do you think he used shortening or oil? My mom used Crisco til she changed to peanut oil. I couldn't taste the difference. Due to cost she used to strain it through cheese cloth and store it in the back of the fridge (freeze zone). She would only use the oil on the to 3/4.
His video needs a fews more shots out the window (like the one about 4:00), maybe a random traffic stop where everyone runs to the window and starts recording. You know to keep it real. The prayer at the end just put this video over the top.
Hope you post another one soon.
Originally Posted by Nickhead
my hero: