Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 10-11-2017, 10:16 PM   #17735
Simply Red Simply Red is offline
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Roy since you're never going to just 'realize this' I'll tell you, I guess. You really need to start a continuation of this thread. It's getting heavy on the site.
Posts: 71,691
Simply Red is obviously part of the inner Circle.Simply Red is obviously part of the inner Circle.Simply Red is obviously part of the inner Circle.Simply Red is obviously part of the inner Circle.Simply Red is obviously part of the inner Circle.Simply Red is obviously part of the inner Circle.Simply Red is obviously part of the inner Circle.Simply Red is obviously part of the inner Circle.Simply Red is obviously part of the inner Circle.Simply Red is obviously part of the inner Circle.Simply Red is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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