Thread: QB Impressions
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Old 09-22-2017, 09:29 AM   #658
DJ's left nut DJ's left nut is offline
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Originally Posted by OldSchool View Post
Darnold is a future franchise QB. I assume he's not going to come out for another couple of years though. That means Rosen is your best QB for 2018 draft, and it's not certain if he comes out either. Rosen is really damn good too, but he takes too many chances, IMO.
If you get graded in the top 5, you have to go. You just do.

Think of guys like Locker, Lienart and Barkley; guys that were going to be top 10 quarterbacks who stuck around. Now Locker's stock only slipped a little bit but he was considered a potential 1.1 in that draft (it's important to remember how badly that class s*******ed). Now he's an outlier because the draft rules changed and he took a $30 million hit by not leaving early, but he also got exposed a bit as a SR.

Leinart was, what, mid-1st when he got drafted? He didn't plummet but he still cost himself money by sticking around.

I just can't think of a good reason for a guy who's universally regarded as a top 3 pick to stay in college. He'll get far more seasoning as a pro, it gets him a step closer to FA and the end of his rookie contract that much sooner and ultimately saves him from the possibility of slipping with a sub-par following season (and then what, he sticks around for ANOTHER free season?)
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