Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 08-15-2017, 09:37 PM   #14872
BlackOp BlackOp is offline
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Originally Posted by Sweet Daddy Hate View Post
Lies, lies, and more lies.

First, I never banged the drum or beat the desk for Carr. That said, would I have drafted him and held off on extending limp dick Smitty? You bet your ****ing ass I would.

See, here's the problem:

Once again, you are ascribing great feats of victory to the one person on the offense and team overall who has the absolute LEAST to do with said winning.
Is "Smitty's" m/o NOT "don't **** up/don't take risk/don't turn over"?


Yes it is.

But he's okay in your book as long as he's beatin' them damn Raiders and Donkeys BY GOD!

Thanks, Marty; we'll call you when 1990 becomes relevant again, m'kay? Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye....

Also, you a prime, grade-A dumbass, of the highest Milkman Order of Dumbasses.

What the **** do you care about team building and winning if Rodger Goodell is really Vince McMahon?

Is the NFL suddenly legit now, or is it still "shades of grey" that only a highly attuned seeker of the truth such as yourself can understand?

Soo..that post just reaffirms my previous one...Your observations on football are terrible, you have Manning/Brady PTSD and are obsessive about hating would have drafted Carr in the 1st round...not one GM in the entire NFL agreed with you. You have insight like no other...the only problem with your crystal ball retrospective forecast, Nostradamus, is you would have already drafted Geno with the #1 over-all pick in 2013....Tard.

The NFL is rigged as ****...always has been.

Last edited by BlackOp; 08-15-2017 at 09:45 PM..
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