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Old 08-09-2017, 10:57 AM   #5983
DJ's left nut DJ's left nut is online now
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Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud View Post

The starting QB plays more quarters in each game.

Game 1: One Quarter.

Game 2: 2 Quarters.


Game 4: Rookies and bubble players
Won't usually play the full 3 quarters in game 3. It depends on the drives and how he performs.

If Smith comes out and leads a good drive at the start of the 3rd after the halftime adjustments are made, they'll sit him.

But as you've noted, even the outer edge is 6 quarters out of 16. That leaves 10 quarters that should be divided among 2 guys. Why shouldn't Mahomes get 5-6 of those? And if Smith comes out early in game 3 and only has 5.5 quarters, why shouldn't Mahomes get that extra half and put him nearer 6.5?

There are justifications for Mahomes getting more snaps than Smith this pre-season.
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