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Old 08-09-2017, 10:48 AM   #5980
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Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud View Post
Because playing Mahomes decreases the chemistry between the 1's.

The starting QB needs to get his timing down with his receivers and offensive line. When the starting QB missed 6th rounder Cyrus Gray in the Indy playoff game, it was because his timing was with Jamaal Charles, not Gray.

Every little bit of time, especially since the 2011 CBA was enacted, helps.

Mahomes will get his time, in due time.
Do you expect Smith with get more than 6 quarters over 4 games? And no, the QB will never develop chemistry with his 3rd string tailback - no amount of re-allocating reps will change the fact that when your 1 and 2 RBs goes down, you're in a bit of a bind. I definitely wouldn't be taking developmental reps away from my QBOTF out of concern for that eventuality.

In either event, I believe 6 quarters worth of snaps is probably Smith's outer bound. Now I'm not sure I'd give Mahomes a majority of snaps, but I wouldn't have a problem with a plurality of them.

I don't care if Stave never sees the field and if Mahomes ends up getting a few more reps than Smith, I'm fine with that as well. Smith's been in this offense for 4+ years now; there are no new installs for him. Anything added will be on a week by week basis.

And while some of his weapons will have changed, the only major one is Hill. And yeah, I'd like to get him some chemistry with Hill but it will be Hill that needs the reps more than Smith so he can learn the Z.

Meanwhile you're looking at a guy in Mahomes you needs a ton of live-fire and the pre-season is (lord willing) the best way to get him that. Otherwise he's just out there running the scout team and while you can try to develop technique in-season, that's not how the scout team works. His job there will be to emulate the opposition so the defense can get some reps in. It won't be to go out there and try to kick as much ass as possible.

The plan for Mahomes should be having him ready to start in 2018 - that plan should include as many reps as practical in the '17 pre-season. If that means a few more than Smith gets, I see no issue with that.
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