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Old 06-13-2017, 04:32 PM   #3170
Anyong Bluth Anyong Bluth is offline
Deus ambulans inter homines
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Originally Posted by saphojunkie View Post
I honestly can't imagine what would happen to this place if Alex Smith was cut in the last round to 53 and Mahomes named the starter going into week 1.

And yes, of course I am hoping for it, because it would mean he is ready. The one thing to not hope for is an Alex injury, forcing Mahomes or Bray to step up when they haven't earned the starter spot.
You won't have to. It's a pipedream

Suck it, beautiful
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Anyong Bluth is obviously part of the inner Circle.Anyong Bluth is obviously part of the inner Circle.Anyong Bluth is obviously part of the inner Circle.Anyong Bluth is obviously part of the inner Circle.Anyong Bluth is obviously part of the inner Circle.Anyong Bluth is obviously part of the inner Circle.Anyong Bluth is obviously part of the inner Circle.Anyong Bluth is obviously part of the inner Circle.Anyong Bluth is obviously part of the inner Circle.Anyong Bluth is obviously part of the inner Circle.Anyong Bluth is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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