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Old 04-30-2017, 08:24 PM   #1099
Red Dawg Red Dawg is offline
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Using a teams win loss record to judge a QB is a faulty way of looking at them. Media like to give the QB all the credit for wins and it's stupid. Numerous national champ QBs couldn't make it the NFL and numerous great NFL QBs have had bad records some years. Lately Bree's and Rivers don't have great records but are very good? Hell yes. Luck is not having a good record the last two years but he is shit? Hell no. Tebow, Leak and Mclarin damn near never lost but are they NFL studs. Hell no. The list goes on and on.
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Red Dawg is obviously part of the inner Circle.Red Dawg is obviously part of the inner Circle.Red Dawg is obviously part of the inner Circle.Red Dawg is obviously part of the inner Circle.Red Dawg is obviously part of the inner Circle.Red Dawg is obviously part of the inner Circle.Red Dawg is obviously part of the inner Circle.Red Dawg is obviously part of the inner Circle.Red Dawg is obviously part of the inner Circle.Red Dawg is obviously part of the inner Circle.Red Dawg is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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