Thread: QB Impressions
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Old 03-03-2017, 11:49 AM   #116
DJ's left nut DJ's left nut is online now
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Being a locked-leg passer is something that I just started watching for last season after seeing Charlie Casserly talk about it and yeah, it's a real thing and it ****ing sucks.

Those guys can't drive the ball very well and they use that front leg as a crutch to almost 'lift' themselves into loft passes. It's a terrible habit and I don't understand how it's taught and not broken.

I haven't really dug into the QBs much, but that limits Trubisky's ceiling somewhat, IMO.

Mahomes and Kizer are still the two guys I think I'd really want from this class.
"If there's a god, he's laughing at us.....and our football team..."

"When you look at something through rose colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags."
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DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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